

From the first note sung of the concert series, to the heart-racing pass of the USAF Thunderbirds, to the Super Bowl kickoff, to the last morsel of  five-star meal served under a blanket of stars on top of a mountain, to seeing a one of kind signature event unfold…the Seivers team is there providing superior service as well as building unparalleled memorable moments for their customers. With operations within the US, serving millions of guests a year, the Seivers team of professionals is working behind the scenes, making each guest experience, moment and memory the best it can be while providing value to their industry partners.

Airshow Series - Seivers 

Airshow Series - Seivers 


 Seivers Provides Turn-Key Solutions for Any Event.

Our skilled approach to logistics and eye for detail keep the trajectory of your events and projects moving toward success as they are seamlessly executed. Each event is crafted and designed with the target audience in mind, providing a five-star experience from start to finish. Our strategy of insourcing all aspects of event production from design to management, produces tangible savings through consolidated purchasing.


Concert Series - Louisville, KY 

Concert Series - Louisville, KY 

Little Rock - Seivers 

Little Rock - Seivers 

Music Festival Series - Seivers 

Music Festival Series - Seivers 


Driven by Excellence With a Culture for Caring. 

At Seivers, we are a culture-driven business. A hardworking team of professional, dedicated to  collaborating and producing superior results and more tangible outcomes for our clients.

Giving Back

Seivers is committed to giving back to our community and empowering non-profit/501(c) organizations that serve communities across the country. Non-profits have the opportunity to raise money for their organizations by volunteering at one of the Festival in the Sky Airshow events or at our one of Open-Air Music Festivals hosted throughout the U.S. 

Festival in the Sky Quad City, Iowa - Seivers

Festival in the Sky Quad City, Iowa - Seivers


Environmental Consciousness.

    Seivers is always focused on the future, with that in mind we have implemented some new environmental consciousness practices. We are no longer using Styrofoam and have switched all of our containers to bio-degradable paper. We have decreased our napkin size from a large full size napkin to a beverage napkin, cutting down our paper usage nearly 65%. All of our plastics are fully recyclable, and we are now using a much thinner cup, and utensils resulting in a decrease of our plastic refuge by approximately 40%. We are proud to be a family owned and operated corporation and want to do our part to preserve our environment for all our families. With a large green-ware plan, we hope to make an impact and set the standard for the industry for decreasing our carbon footprint for years to come.     

South Florida - Seivers

South Florida - Seivers